
This week it’s been the Bath Digital Festival, an inspiring event championing all things digital and tech, held in various venues across our home city.  This year the festival focussed on three themes with foundations in Bath, each with their own dedicated day – Space, Sport and Cities. On Wednesday, Alfie and Cait from our Digital Team went along to the ‘Cites’ day and here are their highlights… 


“To start the day, David Sloly shared his story of how his curiosity helped him create five successful seasons of an entirely AI generated comedy podcast. He prepared our Digi Team for the uprising of AI and demonstrated first-hand how a simple experiment in AI opened a new business opportunity. The talk was filled with practical insights and fascinating ways in which AI can be tricked if the right prompt is used.  


After lunch, Simon Boddy and Joseph Wright led an insightful discussion exploring the importance of online reputation management and that while content is king, context is queen. Content, purely in and of itself, will not make you stand out. That content needs to be well-formed, well thought-out and helpful.  


The last stop of the day was a panel on ‘The Future of Cities in a Digital World’. Five experts dove into how digital advancements are reshaping the ways we live, work, and connect within our cities. The speakers discussed the importance of designing cities for well-being and joy, taking inspiration from Bath, which was designed with green spaces, planned for walking around, and health rather than work.


Many thanks to techSPARK for organising a brilliant event.


Feel free to contact our Digital Team for any further discussions on these fascinating subjects!”


Credit: Caitlin Blue and Alfie Downey.