
We’re delighted to announce we haven’t just won one award at the Independent Agency Awards hosted by the Alliance of Independent Agencies at MAD//FEST. An award ceremony that celebrates the best work across the independent agency sector.


No, we’re thrilled to announce we won not one but two awards.


First up, and for the third time in four years, we won Best Use of Media on behalf of Crohn’s & Colitis UK.


Second up, and what an incredible nod to our culture, we won the coveted Freedom award for Client Service.


Kudos Tom Marshall and the team for an exceptional job well done.


To re-cap –

2021: Best Use of Media on behalf of thortful (DTC / Brand Response)

2023: Best Use of Media on behalf of Cawston Press | B-Corp™ (FMCG / Brand)

2024: Best Use of Media on behalf of  Crohn’s & Colitis UK (Charity / Performance)

2024: Freedom award for Client Service on behalf of Crohn’s & Colitis UK (Charity / Performance)


If you need a media agency that consistently delivers, irrespective of your market, and want best in class client service, then look no further, speak to us about how we can make your money work harder.