
Recent data shows that younger audiences are interacting with door drops and direct mail more than any other age group.

During the Covid lockdowns, direct mail and door drops saw a big spike in effectiveness. The peak saw 41% more recipients go online for more information as a result of direct mail and door drop advertising, with 32% then go on to visit the advertiser’s website, according to JICMAIL in their Measurement Matters conference.

Since this peak, mail advertising – be that direct mail or door drops – has continued to attract the attention of young people and prompt further action. The results of the Marketreach Year in Review 2022 support this stating that “7% of those aged 17-24 in Q3 2021 reported going on to contact the sender, compared to only 3% of those aged 25-54”. As well as this, the report states that in 2018, individuals aged under 35 were least likely to interact with mail advertising but by Q1 2022 they were now the most likely, and this is expected to continue.

A key driver for the uplift in interaction from younger audiences is the importance of a modern and engaging approach. The reason younger audiences are now most likely to interact with mail is down to creativity, segmentation and specific targeting, and when these elements are nailed, younger audiences seem to love it!

We have experience implementing door drops in the media mix for a range of our clients across a variety of sectors including fast food, upmarket home improvement, attractions and the grey market. We have used it to drive response, sales, physical footfall and online traffic with great results for our clients, targeting young, old and family audiences.

If you’d like to know more about Door Drop and Direct Mail and how it could benefit your campaigns, please get in touch at