
Last week Team Mostly members Alex, Jonny and Connor, enjoyed an informative day at ‘Customer Acquisition in a Post-Cookie World: A Doordrop and DM Masterclass.’  Read an overview of the day by one of our new Media Execs, Connor Sutterby…


‘Recently, our Head of Growth, Alex, along with two of our newest media-planning team members, Jonny and Connor, had the fantastic opportunity to attend an informative and engaging event – ‘Customer Acquisition in a Post-Cookie World: A Doordrop and DM Masterclass’ – hosted by Whistl, DBS Data, Webmart, and Jicmail, focusing all on Door Drop and Direct Mail marketing at the lovely Trapeze Bar in Shoreditch! 


With some great speeches from Ian Gibbs at Jicmail, Gary Brandon at DBS Data, Tom Maskill at Webmart, and Mark Davies at Whistl, we were treated to a highly informative day spent learning how best to utilise these often-marginalised media channels and how to pair them with digitally-led efforts, to drive some staggering response and engagement rates. 


These talks were followed up with a brilliant exercise which saw the various agencies in attendance mixed into teams to come up with a response to a client brief using the information and tools that we had been shown by our hosts. In this instance, we were tasked with devising a strategy for an imaginary food delivery company to pair with their existing digital media campaigns to drive better incremental revenue and reach new audiences in London, Manchester, and Birmingham. Seeing as the spectre of a post-cookie world looms over us (with Google intending to end third-party cookies for all Chrome users in 2024), our brief offered us the chance to explore how effective using door drop and direct mail channels could be and granted us the opportunity to work collaboratively with our friends at the other agencies in attendance. We quickly saw just how effective Doordrop and Direct Mail could be, particularly when combined with other media channels such as television – with response rates being uplifted by up to 20% when integrating these channels together! With the growth shown in the Doordrop/Direct Mail field (showing 30% growth in 2022), we saw that this is an evolving channel which could make for a very effective tool in a multi-faceted media campaign. Throughout this exercise, we were offered expert advice by the representatives of Whistl, DBS Data, Webmart, and Jicmail, such as how to use Leaflet Drop – an excellent tool for media planners!  


In the end, our expert panel of judges deemed that the ‘Strongman’ team (including our very own Jonny) had delivered the best response to the brief and were each rewarded with a bottle of champagne and some juggling balls in keeping with Trapeze Bar’s circus theming – congrats, Jonny! 


We were then treated to food, drinks, and circus games to round out this lovely evening! We all had a great time and thank our gracious hosts for putting on such a fantastic and informative event! 


Naturally, on the way home, we paid a quick visit to the pride of the UK in the Out-of-Home department – the one and only Outternet – along with a chance to enjoy the ‘Digital Art Week’ which looked utterly mind-blowing, before stopping in on Denmark Street for a couple of drinks before we made our voyage back west!’


Credit: Connor Sutterby