
On the 6th May, we saw the coronation of King Charles III, making him the 62nd monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. The Coronation started broadcasting on ITV 1 at 12:02pm and ran until 3:00pm with no ad breaks until the very end. This ad break only had space for 2 advertisers, and thanks to our amazing TV team we got our client Westminster Collection airtime to advertise their King Charles III Coronation Coin.

They ran a 60” advert taking up 2/3 of the break which garnered them over one million views. The advert ran directly after the Coronation meaning it was one of the first things viewers saw post coronation and is a great example of strong contextual TV buying. In terms of content alignment, this was a perfect fit for Westminster Collection to advertise their KCIII coin directly to individuals interested in the royals, and as a result the spot has performed amazingly for the client.

As well as the TV ad, we were able to secure Westminster Collection national press advertising the day after the Coronation. During the Coronation period, national papers waivered their coin exclusivity regulations, however, our fantastic print team managed to secure a solus position for 288, once again getting their ads in the perfect context to reach the right people.

But it’s not just us who have been commemorating the Coronation. The Big 4 OOH media owners – JCDecaux, Global, Ocean Outdoor and Clear Channel got creative and celebrated in their own way, with imagery provided by The Cabinet Office. JCDecaux placed large replicas of the Crown along the Coronation parade route, including a 300kg version at Marble Arch. Clear Channel decided to allow children and young people across the UK to create digital posters around the coronation theme with a selection being shown across their network of sites. On the day of the Coronation, Ocean Outdoor ran the Government-provided creative across their digital sites including the Piccadilly Lights site.